Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dear Demian (and Sarah): Flash Mobs.

I'm enchanted by the idea of flash mobs. The largest, most slickly-executed flash mobs are generally advertisements. But there are some crazy kids getting in on the action, too. Of course, you don't have to dance or fight to be part of a flash mob. You can just freeze. Or, you can be like the Japanese, and really put the "mob" in "flash mob."

Dear Demian, those old ladies are slammin'.

Someone thought they ought to make a biographical comic about the author of the Twilight books. Only she didn't really do that much before beginning her evil empire. What's a comic artist to do? Make some execrable artwork, is what.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear Demian, one million starlings

This is evidently not an uncommon occurrence. Apart from signaling the onset of the End Times, small birds also do this for safety:

When frightened by a flying predator, a flock of small birds such as sandpipers or starlings will bunch up and fly in as compact a mass as possible. A dive-bombing falcon will avoid plunging into such a crowd for fear of injuring itself in a collision, but instead will seek to pick off laggards or birds shearing away from the flock. The flock itself will veer and turn in erratic fashion, making it difficult for the predator to predict its movements. [The Straight Dope]

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dear Demian, "fffff"

Oh, Kate Beaton. How I love her. It's a good thing she's already in Canada, because I am ready to gay marry her so hard. Mystery Solving Teens!

I wish I could draw something that looked half so effortless and expressive.

Dear Demian, "prancing around with your head full of eyeballs"

I've never played a video game like this, I probably never will play a video game like this, but the clips this company made to introduce the character classes are pretty clever. Meet the Team. I think the one for the Spy is my favorite.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dear Demian

So, some guy has been asking illustrators to draw their favorite authors/literary figures and posting them on the internet for about ten years now. Hey Oscar Wilde! It's Clobberin' Time!!! is his collection's current home. Some of the drawings are terrifying, some are pretty neat, though.

Dear Demian

Why must all photographers have awful Flash navigation on their websites?

Despite the interface, this site features some great photos of birds in flight. And now I know that there is such a thing as a Jackass Penguin.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dear Demian

I am making one of these for Harper. Many such gems to be found at Black and WTF. The October 31st posts are especially good.

Dear Demian

If I were in the market, I would go to this guy. (hawk cries)